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Trusted by 140,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs
Trustpilot score: 4.4 out of 5
Weight loss surgery is not a magic bullet. It won’t solve all your problems. For that, your mindset is crucial. A powerful, positive mindset teaches you to deal with difficult moments. It helps you achieve your goals and motivates you to maintain healthy habits. Discover our 10 mindset tips that will positively change your life after surgery.
Nutrition is not just fuel for a vital body. The vitamins and minerals found in foods also affect your mood and resilience. That’s why it’s important to fuel your body with healthy foods. With fruits and vegetables, protein and calcium and by cooking with fresh ingredients instead of convenience foods. After weight loss surgery, you often do not get enough vitamins and minerals. Moreover, you also absorb less of them. This can be solved with the right, customized multivitamins.
In addition to maintaining strong bones, muscles and a healthy weight, exercise is just as valuable for a strong, positive mindset. When you exercise, substances are released in your brain. Like serotonin and endorphins, or feel-good hormones. They create that nice, fulfilled feeling after a workout. Therefore, try to exercise for half an hour every day in a way that suits you.
Exercise outside as much as possible. Your body gets happy from oxygen and sunlight (vitamin D!) and so does your mind. Nature and fresh outdoor air calm your mind. It creates space in your mind when you are stuck for a while. It can literally make you feel lighter. By the way, you don’t have to exercise intensively. A walk is just as healthy and effective for body and mindset.
On average, you have 60,000 thoughts a day. Most of them are unconscious, otherwise you would go insane! But to change your mindset, dwelling on some does make sense. Before going to bed at night, write down your goals and note what you are grateful for. That way you focus on what is going well and that will improve your sleep.
Sleep is crucial for good health and a strong mindset. By giving your body rest, you recharge and reduce stress. Are you getting too little sleep? Then you can become unbalanced, emotional and agitated. Keeping a positive outlook then becomes very difficult. Suffering from sleep deprivation? Go to bed earlier, preferably around the same time every night.
It sounds contradictory, yet it’s good to know that you can’t always think positively. Life is not all fun. Let go of the idea that you have to be happy every day. Struggles and lesser days are also part of it. Accepting this and knowing that difficult situations will pass again helps. And this way you can still give it a positive spin.
The surgeon does not cut away pain and problems. After surgery, your relationship will not suddenly be great if there was discord before. You don’t automatically become happy if you lose weight. And depression doesn’t disappear like snow in the sun. Be realistic in your expectations. Resolve what gets in the way of your happiness. If you do nothing about past pain points, you will take them with you into the future.
Words and emotions are strongly connected. For example, saying “I’m on a diet” feels negative. You are limiting yourself and you would rather stay away from that. Therefore, give words a positive connotation and say, “I’m giving my body the fuel it needs so I feel good and strong. By changing your words, you awaken positive feelings and a positive mindset.
Many people tend to focus on what’s not going well. That’s largely because of the brain. It is programmed to survive and warn you of possible danger. Therefore, to prevent pain, you mainly see what is or can go wrong. But there is so much in life that is good. It is all about the little things. Think of the sun breaking through after a few gray days. A nice cup of coffee in the morning or your child smiling at you.
Perfection does not exist and you are never going to achieve it. It’s about being and doing good enough. That means there is something between all or nothing. Life is not black and white. You can enjoy salads AND the occasional chocolate. Your healthy lifestyle is not ruined because you didn’t exercise for one week. Everyone has down moments and relapses sometimes. The important thing is to get up and not give up.
We know that weight loss surgery is intense. This can cause fluctuating emotions and tension. A rock-solid mindset helps, but it doesn’t mean you have to do everything alone. Ask for help and share what’s on your mind. We’re always here for you, too. You can reach us here.