Trusted by 140,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs
Trusted by 140,000+ people for their vitamin and mineral needs
Trustpilot score: 4.4 out of 5
A stomach reduction is a big, important step in your life. The first step in becoming a new, healthy version of you. Yet you don’t have to wait until after the surgery – you can start now with healthy habits. Because the more fit you are before the surgery, the better. With these 6 tips you can start living healthier today.
You have undoubtedly tried everything to lose weight. From (crash) diets and exercise programs to medication or therapy. But a strict diet or exercise regime often only works temporarily. It is too rigorous. Moreover, your body is so disordered by (morbid) obesity that it is almost impossible to maintain. Therefore, go for small, healthy adjustments. Choose a few food swaps. Try to walk a bit every day and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Above all, do not set the bar too high. Every little bit really helps.
A love-hate relationship with the scale? This is the case for many people, but it’s not just about weight. This also applies to weight loss surgery. In addition to being overweight, a stomach reduction helps to reduce conditions linked to obesity. Think cardiovascular disease, increased risk of cancer, high blood pressure, joint pain and fertility problems. So focus primarily on your health and how you feel rather than the number on the scale.
After surgery, your diet changes. This is not something that happens by itself. If you want to be more fit and get a head start on new eating and drinking habits, then start with these tips:
A vitamin and mineral deficiency is common among overweight and obese people. After weight loss surgery, the risk of deficiency increases. Specific multivitamins help your body to prepare for surgery and prevent shortages. It’s important to take them daily so it becomes a routine. Not just in the first few months, but for a lifetime. That’s why it’s good to start taking multivitamins 2 weeks before surgery.
By exercising, you are working on your health. And yes, you burn calories by doing so. But it also provides more endorphins (happiness hormones) and energy. Exercise therefore has a positive effect, both physically and mentally. Build up the amount of exercise slowly, though. You don’t have to work up a sweat at the gym 4 times a week. A bit of walking or cycling is also very healthy. Moreover, the sun (vitamin D!) and the outdoors always do good. Choose a form of exercise that you enjoy. This is the only way to keep moving.
To know what you want but also to keep yourself motivated. By writing down your goals, you can break unhealthy habits more easily. It makes you more aware and reminds you what you are doing it for. So treat yourself to a nice notebook. Take the time to think about your goals and write them down. Don’t make your goals too big, so they remain attainable. Do you ever fall back into old habits? Don’t be too hard on yourself and keep going. You can start over every day.
A stomach reduction alone won’t solve obesity. Your lifestyle and mindset are just as important to getting healthy and staying fit. With a few small changes, you can already make a difference. Start slowly and small. Every step counts.
Do you need help or have questions about your health, nutrition or multivitamins? Contact us and let us know. We are always there for you.